4175 FREIDRICH LANE: Suite 201 - 78744
Impact Education Center: State of TX & Probation Approved education
Alcohol & Drug Assesments
A.O.D. Class
12 Hr. DWI Education Class
32 Hr. DWI Intervention Program
15 Hr. DOEP Class
4175 FREIDRICH LANE: Suite 201 - 78744
Alcohol & Drug Assesments
A.O.D. Class
12 Hr. DWI Education Class
32 Hr. DWI Intervention Program
15 Hr. DOEP Class
Call or Email To Schedule:
English: 512.294.4176
Español: 737.346.5446
Spanish I.O.P. Available
Call or Text For Info
ESPAÑOL: 737.346.5446
Conducted Over A Period Of Three Consecutive Days
ENGLISH: 512.294.4176
ESPAÑOL: 737.346.5446
ENGLISH: 512.294.4176
ESPAÑOL: 737.346.5446
This Course Contains
- 15 Modules, Two A.A. Meetings (Per State of Texas Program Guidelines)
- 2 One on One Interviews With Course Instructor
- One Exit Interview With Course Instructor
Conducted Over A Period Of Five Consecutive Days
ENGLISH: 512.294.4176
ESPAÑOL: 737.346.5446
Call Us:
ENGLISH: 512.294.4176
ESPAÑOL: 737.346.5446
4175 Freidrich Ln. - Suite 201 Austin, TX 78744
Our in office hours vary but we do our best to accommodate each client's schedule as needed, and we are always just a phone call away. Thank you.
12 Hour DWI Education Program
Victim's Impact Panel
32 Hour DWI Intervention Program
15 Hour Drug Offender Education Program
Clase de 12 Horas: Educacion de DWI
Clase de 32 Horas: Intervencion de DWI
Clase de 15 Horas: Programa de Educacion por Ofensas Involucrando Drogas
Panal De Impacto - Victims Impact Panel (VIP)
At Impact Education Center, in Austin, TX, we strive to serve our clients through effective and compelling teaching as well as a sincere desire to meet their respective needs.
The main objective of I.E.C. is to impact our community by first impacting each and every one of our clients in a lasting way.
We at I.E.C. also believe that we
At Impact Education Center, in Austin, TX, we strive to serve our clients through effective and compelling teaching as well as a sincere desire to meet their respective needs.
The main objective of I.E.C. is to impact our community by first impacting each and every one of our clients in a lasting way.
We at I.E.C. also believe that we will grow individually and as a company with each client that we have the honor and privilege to serve.
Yours To Count On,
Impact Education Center Staff
DWI Classes Austin, TX
DWI Intervention Classes Austin, TX
Drug Classes Austin, TX
DOEP Classes Austin, TX
Theft/Shoplifting Classes Austin, TX
San Antonio, TX Houston, TX
Dallas, TX Fort Worth, TX
Houston, Texas
Tarrant County Williamson County
Harris County Bexar County
Victoria, TX Cuero, TX Bastrop, TX
Cedar Creek, TX Round Rock Georgetown, TX
Lockhart, TX Hays County, TX
Caldwell County, TX Comal County, TX
San Marcos, TX Gonzalez, TX Seguin, TX
New Braunfels, TX